A happy dog - is a happy home...

Dog companion and author of Boneyard Dog Toys website

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My name is Geoffrey Bush and I created this website to provide useful information for the selection and use of dog toys. The purpose of toys for dogs is to compliment their environment with objects that will stimulate them and provide psychological enrichment.

The trap we want to avoid is showering them with a collection of random toys and no structure or context for how or when to use them.

In this way, we avoid creating a boneyard of dog toys.

Dogs have been my companions my whole life. More than ten years ago my family got involved with a local non-profit dog rescue group. Since then we have been a foster home for countless dogs that were waiting to be adopted by their forever families.

In addition to the gratification of saving lives, we have the unique opportunity to meet and work with all types of dogs. This has provided invaluable insight in the use of toys with a wide variety of dogs. Not just different breeds, but different ages, temperments and levels of physical and cognitive health.

Many of the foster dogs are just happy to put the shelter behind them, but some of them have a history of abuse, abandonment or neglect. They are broken dogs when they come to us and we are the first step in their rehabilitation. For many of them, the use of toys helps break the ice and begin the healing process.

It's our sincerest hope you will find the information in this website useful.

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